1How many vehicles do you have and how long have you been in business?
We currently have 33 buses and have been in operation since August 2011.
2Why don’t you have pricing on your website?
We do not provide pricing on our website, as each school is priced differently. Each charter school has a different academic calendar and number of attendance days.
3What does the DOT number on the side of your vehicles indicate?
Our DOT number can be used on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website to check out our safety record. Secondly, it indicates that we are subject to a yearly inspection by a DOT regulated inspector. Third, the number is an indicator that our drivers are a part of a drug and alcohol testing program. Finally, it indicates that our drivers must adhere to annual review and inspection of their driving records, as well as the obtainment of a federal medical examination certificate.
4Do you offer one-way and round-trip service options?
Yes, we offer one-way morning, one-way afternoon or round-trip service options.
5Do you offer partial year service?
In the beginning of the year, we only offer full-year, five-day week service. In January of each year, we offer partial year service.
6Do you perform background checks on your drivers?
Our hiring process includes a background check, as well as obtaining a motor vehicle driving record from the DMV and we request safety and drug testing information from all the applicants’ employers for the past three years.
7Do you do field trips or special outings?
Yes, we provide field trips throughout the entire State of North Carolina. We will also provide transport for special outings such as scouting events, summer camps, and group transport.
8Do you offer sibling discounts?
Yes, we offer sibling discounts at the 10, 15 and 20% levels.
9Do you offer half-day service, early release and/or delayed opening service?
We offer half-day service when it is a school-wide half-day dismissal. We also offer service when school is dismissed early due to weather or other conditions. Additionally, we offer service when school is delayed in opening due to inclement weather or other reasons.
10Can a school contract out part or all of their busing to Olympic?
Absolutely. As charter schools grow in number and in attendance, schools that attempt to provide busing can sometimes become overwhelmed with the intense amount of effort and training that transportation can take. Olympic can bring their equipment and expertise to any charter school and provide a transportation solution as directed by the Board. Whether it’s one bus or 10, one route or 5, we can provide a turn-key or management solution for the benefit of the parents, the students and the school.